Being a Member of The Bonn Players
opens up a world of possibilities…
- Be part of our monthly playreading group (currently held online) as we explore, discuss and discover new plays together. As well as being an opportunity to “try out your acting skills”, these readings are an important part of assessing the suitability, feasibility (and the selection) of which plays are performed on the stage.
- Join your fellow members for regular social events – such as our quiz nights, informal talent evenings and seasonal parties, such as the Christmas musical evening where we feast and sing Christmas songs together.
- We host regular workshops to improve our skills e.g. makeup, directing, speech, singing and acting.
- We have embarked upon a new Youth Theatre Group initiative, where we can nurture younger people in the activities of the Players.
- We take part in FEATS competitions and liaise with other like-minded English-loving theatre groups.
In addition, you can develop and enhance the skills that are needed for our theatre productions such as:
- Directing
- Stage Management
- Artistic Design
- Script writing
- Stage set – design, construction and on the night set up and dismantling
- Driving the van with sets and supplies
- Costumes – design, management, costume-making and on the night fitting
- Make up – artistic design, assisting actors with own make-up and on the night application
- Lighting – designers, engineers and on the night operators
- Sound – design, engineers and on the night operators
- Prompting during rehearsals and performances
- Audition management
- Business administration
- People skills for dealing with the audience and acting as ushers
- Communications – ticket sales, enquiries and on the night friendly service
- Press contacts and drafting media articles when required
- Website management
- Looking after equipment and costumes stored in our storage unit
Oh, and we do do a bit of acting!
The potential for boredom is very low and we welcome
all members to become involved in one or more activities”
To find out more click on one of the categories below
Sign-up now and join The Players