

Pre-Covid-19, The Players offered plenty of opportunity for our members to mix, socialise and generally enjoy themselves together.

During lockdown we have managed to keep everything going – albeit online – except of course the buffets!

But we have had some very enjoyable Feasibility Readings, plus we have our Playreading group who meet once a month to read and discuss new plays. We have held a fun online make-up workshop and are holding regular Quiz Evenings.

Bring your own wine/tea/coffee and meet up online from the comfort of your own home and keep reading the website updates for news of upcoming online events.

Over the years we have become renowned for our buffets, luring members to attend our Annual General Meeting, Feasibility Readings or the Christmas party. Depending on the time of day, members bring a savoury dish, dessert or a cake to the event, helping to provide a wide variety of delicious food. This gives us time to welcome and get to know new members and to catch up with older ones. We look forward to restarting these “in person”, once the restrictions are eased.

Of course there is nothing like “getting involved” in something to oil the social wheels. Rehearsing for a play reading is an easy and painless way to join in. However, actually getting involved in a production is the best was to make instant friends, both backstage and amongst the cast, and the Players have always been very open and welcoming in this respect. Time and again it has happened that a newcomer has plucked up the courage to audition for a part – and landed it. Our motto is: the best person for the part gets the role, no matter how long they have been a member. So we encourage our new members to participate as much as possible.

Project details
The Bonn Players