The Bonn Players – Why Become A Member…?
We are open to all nationalities, ages, theatrical backgrounds and experiences and are always delighted to welcome new members.
Being a Bonn Players’ Member opens up the opportunity to…
- take part in performances
- join us for play reading groups
- participate in feasibility readings and workshops
- play a part in a variety of tasks off-stage such as set design, wardrobe and publicity
- receive our monthly newsletter
- enjoy member-only events!
Find out more on our ACT-ivities page
If you would like to join us, please fill in our membership form (below) and e-mail us at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944ofni1725955944
telling us a little bit about yourself and your theatre interests.
If you are an existing member, a new member or a returning member, please complete our membership form below.
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