The Bonn Players – Why Become A Member…?

We are open to all nationalities, ages, theatrical backgrounds and experiences and are always delighted to welcome new members.

Being a Bonn Players’ Member opens up the opportunity to…

  • take part in performances
  • join us for play reading groups
  • participate in feasibility readings and workshops
  • play a part in a variety of tasks off-stage such as set design, wardrobe and publicity
  • receive our monthly newsletter
  • enjoy member-only events!

Find out more on our ACT-ivities page

If you would like to join us, please fill in our membership form (below) and e-mail us at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944ofni1725955944
telling us a little bit about yourself and your theatre interests.



If you are an existing member, a new member or a returning member, please complete our membership form below.

"*" indicates required fields


(Fields marked with * are mandatory / please don't use caps)
Please enter your full postal address according to the labels
Email (Please enter a valid Email address)*
We need this information for insurance purposes. If under 18, please see below for parental/ guardian consent. Please fill in dates as: Month/ Day/ Year.


Membership is renewable annually on January 1st
I am:*

Membership Type*

Subscriptions should be paid directly to our bank account at the Sparkasse KölnBonn:

The Bonn Players e.V.

IBAN: DE49370501980030000954


Using “(Full Name) - Membership 2024” as the payment reference.

If you wish to pay by cash, please contact our treasurer at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944rerus1725955944aert1725955944 for details.

Family Membership > Names of your Family Members
Please enter the name and date of birth of any ADDITIONAL members to be included in your family membership. For every Family Member, please press the + button to generate entry-fields. Please fill in dates as: Month/ Day/ Year.
(We need this information for insurance purposes)

Family Member Name
Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)


We would like to ask all of you to indicate at least one area of activity, besides acting, that you would be prepared to commit to during the next productions.

Stage Production

Publicity & Front of House

Other Areas of Interest
The Bonn Players also offer many special events throughout the year. If you are interested in participating in or organising such events, please indicate.


In accordance with the GDPR (2018), the information you provide on this form will be used solely for dealing with you as a member of The Bonn Players e.V.

Data Privacy

The Bonn Players e.V. has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found on The Bonn Players website ( Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this Policy. Please be aware that if you decide to withdraw consent to your details being held by The Bonn Players e.V., please contact our Data Protection Officer at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944ofni1725955944.

Data Ownership and Sharing

As a member of The Bonn Players e.V. you will receive newsletters, emails, written and electronic communications, invitations and other publicity relating to Bonn Players events. We may use your details to inform you of other events not directly related to The Bonn Players e.V. but we will not pass your details on to other organisations, societies, individuals or any other third party. If you have indicated any areas of interest, your preferred email address and / or contact number may be used by the relevant Bonn Players co-ordinator to contact you and subsequently may be made available to other members.
If you consent to your data being shared in this way
If you decide to withdraw consent to your contact details being shared please contact our Data Protection Officer at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944ofni1725955944. Please be aware that it may not be possible to remove your contact details from all distribution lists, although all efforts will be made to comply with your wishes within 90 days.
Photographs and Personal Image Rights
The Bonn Players e.V. may arrange for photographs or videos to be taken of The Bonn Players activities and published on our website or social media channels to promote The Bonn Players. If you consent to your image being used by The Bonn Players
Being the parent/ guardian of the afore mentioned, I give consent to her/ his image being used for the purposes below.
Your Consent
By agreeing to your images or those of anyone for whom you have given consent being used, you agree to assign any copyright or any other right of ownership of these images to The Bonn Players e.V. If you later wish to withdraw consent, please contact our Data Protection Officer at ed.sr1725955944eyalp1725955944nnob@1725955944ofni1725955944.

Accepting Data Usage

By completing and signing The Bonn Players Membership Form, you are accepting our Data Usage Conditions. Please fill in dates as: Month/ Day/ Year.

Please type your first and last name
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The Bonn Players