The Bonn Players Youth Theatre Group

We are proud to announce our new initiative !

We are offering young people aged 8 to 18 an opportunity to participate in theatre and performing arts-related activities.

The Bonn Players Youth Theatre Group is a forum hosted by the Bonn Players e.V., rooted in the local community and facilitating the creative interaction of young people.

It has a youthful energy, with the empowerment of young people at the core, offering them opportunities to perform, learn about the processes of theatre performance and production and thus hone their theatre craft.

We seek to introduce children of all backgrounds and skill-sets to the stage, foster a theatre family and promote a love of theatre for years to come.


  • Basic spoken English-language skills.
  • An interest in theatre and the performing arts and a drive to learn more about the art of creating it.
  • Family membership of The Bonn Players. (This is a legal insurance condition, but becoming a part of the larger Bonn Players community enables the whole family to benefit from the numerous social and “members-only” events.)
  • An initial “taster” workshop will be offered before committing to the annual family membership.

We offer online “virtual” workshop events as well as physical workshops in a variety of disciplines, such as voice, movement, dance, acting, improvisation and the dynamics of technical theatre.

We will also hold feasibility readings, and at least one performance opportunity per year, with a view to increasing this depending on the level of interest and skills available.

If you know of a young person who might be interested, please contact our team at .ed.s1739846217reyal1739846217pnnob1739846217@htuo1739846217y1739846217


The Bonn Players